Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i always order sandwiches at whole foods, but this time i finally perfected it.

i created the perfect sandwich the other day..well not me, but the good ppl at WFs did..i just dictated what i wanted..mmm mmm so good i had to take a picture. hahaha i'm so lame. anyways besides that i've been dining out alone a lot lately, i hate how people stare at you like your a loser for eating by yourself..or maybe i am a loser..SIKE. whatever i don't really care..they're all probably looking at how yummy my "sangwich" looks. anyways have i failed to mention i'm a SANDWICH NAZI, i'm very particular about what goes into it..down to how many tomato slices i want in it..it's pretty sick. whatever..lookie here
here's what i had in it:

focaccia bread

sun-dried tomato spread..if they're out of that i like to get pesto instead.



2 strips of smoked bacon

[have them toast it before they add the veggies]

whole lotta green leaf lettuce

red onions


3 slices of tomato


365 [veggie straws]

365 [enhanced lemon water]

+it's so big..you can eat half for lunch and the other half for dinner..

you're welcome =)

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