Saturday, February 28, 2009


border="0"Get some sour cream and onion chips with some dip, man, some beef jerky, some peanut butter. Get some Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars, a whole lot, make sure chocolate, gotta have chocolate, man. Some popcorn, red popcorn, graham crackers, graham crackers with marshmallows, the little marshmallows and little chocolate bars and we can make s'mores, man. Also, celery, grape jelly, Cap'n Crunch with the little Crunch berries, pizzas. We need two big pizzas, man, everything on 'em, with water, whole lotta water, and Funyons.
i popped my cherry!! haha here look, my first stab at iPelicula..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

my proximity infatuation

border="0"proximity infatuation=
in so many words, just a crush.

remember that feeling you used to get as a kid, when u had a crush on someone. i feel like that now. hahahaha. i don't wanna ruin things by getting to know someone too quickly or completely, cuz then the whole crush factor is diminished and i completely lose interest. i love this feeling, it's like being a kid again =) ..but at the same time aren't we all supposed to end up with someone?? see that's the part, i don't quite get. YET.

" If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days."

this probably the most personal i've gotten since like, july..oh so what.

free craigshit

border="0" so long TROMSÖ
ikea twin bedframe

damn wid quickness. i posted THIS (as seen to the rye) under FREE(section)..not even 2 minutes pass. i get a call wanting someone to pick it up. THANK GOD! i've grown to hate this bed. everytime im watching a movie/on my laptop and have my back against the wall, the damn bed rolls away!! it's supposed to have breaks on the wheels and shit, but damn if that works. anyways the list goes on & on (my cypher keeps moving like a rolling stone..haha) as to why i hate this bed. i can't even begin to talk about the sex..hahaha by the time i bust a nut..the bed's in the middle of the room!! and that's just with me-alone, imagine how it is when there's a guest-star. hahaha i'm sooo kinda kidding. after nights of debauchery, you wouldn't believe how many ppl fit and sleep in that bed..only girls of course. but on a serious note, i'm sure gunna miss those handle bars =) hahahaha.
well anyways good riddance!

click mefor some free craigshit.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


border="0" Brand New MSI VR220

click me
Other laptops with same features are about $500.

Windows Vista Home Premium (or XP if you need)
Intel Celeron M Processor: 2.0 GHz
12.1” LCD Display
160 GB Hard Drive
Wireless internet b/g/n + Bluetooth
Intergrated Webcam + Microphone

Optional Software:
Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc.)
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat
9, Dreamweaver, Flash, etc)

border="0" BRAND NEW

click me
Other laptops with same features are about $500.

Windows Vista Home Premium (or XP if you need)
Intel Celeron M Processor: 2.0 GHz
15.4” LCD Display
160 GB Hard Drive
Wireless internet b/g/
Intergrated Webcam + Microphone

Optional Software:
Microsoft Office 2007 (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, etc.)
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat
9, Dreamweaver, Flash, etc)

CALL ME (213) 820-2905 for more info..only a few left.

Monday, February 23, 2009

from facebook

don't really feel like blog-blogging today..but decided to share my 10 to 1 from facebook. because well..i can. haha.

Monday, February 16, 2009 at 2:44am
A different spin from the "25 Random Things" note. Yet, ANOTHER note for you to get to know your friends better, and vice versa. Fill in your answers, and tag as many people as you want.. or not.

Ten Things About you right now
1. i played guesstures with my friends today.
2. most of the polish on my fingernails are chipped..that shit ain't crackin.
3. i'm single.
4. i'm watching Blow for the 50th time probably.
5. Valentine's Day was the shiiiiiiiiit this year.
6. my feet are freezing.
7. i probably won't sleep til 5am.
8. i feel kinda lonely right now.
9. i should finish folding my laundry.
10. i just changed my sheets.

Nine Things I Wish I Could Say To Nine Different People.
(Please don't ask me who I'm talking about, cos I refuse to spill. But some of em might be a tad obvious if it's directed to you.)
1. pleazzzze just shut the fuck up.
2. your breath smells.
3. i miss the old 'us'.
4. you're slutty when you're drunk.
5. you make me feel like a kid again =)
6. i wish you could shake that habit.
7. you're funner when i'm drunk.
8. can i do your hair?
9. you're such a hater.

Eight Ways To Win My Heart.
1. just be down..for whatever
2. be charming
3. smell nice
4. have some jokes
5. dance, sing and toke with me
6. have SOME manners
7. don't flake
8. have a PhD(pretty huge dick) kidding.

Seven Questions That Cross My Mind.
1. what's your problem?
2. did i take my pills today?
3. should i wax or shave my poozy to save some $ ?
4. and what?
5. when's my next oil change?
6. are you serious?
7. why am i such an asshole sometimes?

Six Things I Do Before I Go To Bed.
1. shower,floss, brush, listerine
2. take my pills
3. put on my socks
4. check my phone
5. lower the volume on sleep
6. get into fetal position

Five People Who Mean A Lot To Me.
1. my family
2. my friends
3. keanu
4. coco
5. lukas

Four Things I Am Wearing Right Now.
1. looong socks
2. a warm robe
3. granny panties..hahaha it was laundry day
4. v neck

Three Songs I Listen To A Lot, Lately.
1. lykke li- my love
2. lykke li- breaking it up
3. kelis - millionaire (ft. andre 3000)

Two Things I Want To Do Before I Die.
1. live in london.
2. date a black guy..haha joking. but seriously, be a mom, even a single mom before i'm forty.

One Confession.
1. i have a crush on a persian guy.


i'm all for dirty talk and shit but dammmmmmn. someone showed me this. and uuh thought it was well.. too vulgar. hahaha so i must share.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

he makes me giggle

border="0"I don't have a girlfriend, I just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that.

-Mitch Hedberg

if i had a top-five-list of my favorite comedians, he'd definitely be on it. the first time i heard him was yeeeeeears ago when he was still alive, i was lit..and i couldn't tell if he was really that funny, or if i was just trippin. turns out, he's fuckin hilarious. here's a taste of his work..they're mostly one-liners, but it's genius, i swear. or am i just immature? pshh shiiiit. you be the judge.
oh btw if you FFW to 4:25 you can hear one of my favorite jokes.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i don't wanna be you're friend, i just wanna be your <3er

it's supposed to be valentine's today..and about all that lovey dovey shiiiiiiiit. but i'm feelin nothin but friend/smoke bud buddy/pilates partner/sex counselor/roommate moved out today.
her name is colin. she's in the middle. that's me on the left, and kristine (a.k.a.fred mertz/k town) on the right.

=( i'll miss u baby. we'll always have Radiohead..hahaha.
create animated gif

last year before-during-and after [clubbin/house parties/bars/whatever-the-hell-we-were-up-to-that-night]..we would toke for hours and hours and just listen to Radiohead. i'll miss that. here's our song..

Thursday, February 12, 2009

trailers [part 1]

i can't wait to see these two movies..

New York, I Love You
following the successful feature film 'Paris, je t'aime' that opened the 2006..same makers are thrilled to present 'New York, I Love You'. 12 filmmakers will direct a short film (5 minutes) illustrating the universal theme of encountering love within the five boroughs of New York City.

Tell No One/Ne le dis à personne
tell everyone about Tell No One. it's in french just tell your friends that aren't too lazy to read subtitles. it was released like two years ago in Europe..but we can't rent it here till march 31. oooh can't wait.

p.s. you guys remember this?? it's an oldie but a goodie..
aww i'll always <3 this movie

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

just deux it.

happpy beerday my caramel apple!!
and another one bites the dust..


my partner in crime

she made us wear black. hahaha



In the cool of the evening
When everything is getting kind of groovy
You call me up and ask me
Would I like to go with you and see a movie?
First I say no, Ive got some plans for tonight
And then I stop and say all right
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you

You always keep me guessing
I never seem to know what you are thinking
And if a girl looks at you
Its for sure your little eye will be a-winking
I get confused, I never know where I stand
And then you smile and hold my hand
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you

If you decide some day to stop this little game that you are a-playing
Im gonna tell you all the things my hearts been a-dying to be saying
Just like a ghost youve been a-haunting my dreams
But now I know youre not what you seem
Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you

2 Days in Paris

border="0"It always fascinated me how people go from loving you madly to nothing at all, nothing. It hurts so much. When I feel someone is going to leave me, I have a tendency to break up first before I get to hear the whole thing. Here it is. One more, one less. Another wasted love story. I really love this one. When I think that its over, that I'll never see him again like this... well yes, I'll bump into him, we'll meet our new boyfriend and girlfriend, act as if we had never been together, then we'll slowly think of each other less and less until we forget each other completely. Almost. Always the same for me. Break up, break down. Drunk up, fool around. Meet one guy, then another, fuck around. Forget the one and only. Then after a few months of total emptiness start again to look for true love, desperately look everywhere and after two years of loneliness meet a new love and swear it is the one, until that one is gone as well. There's a moment in life where you can't recover any more from another break-up. And even if this person bugs you sixty percent of the time, well you still can’t live without him. And even if he wakes you up every day by sneezing right in your face, well you love his sneezes more than anyone else's kisses.

in a nutshell: i adored this movie. it was quick-witted, and good actors with a clean script. i'm a woody allen fan, and this was reminiscent of his work. rent it, you won't regret it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

beauty tips

border="0"1. For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

2. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.

3. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry

Friday, February 6, 2009

i just don't know what to do with myself

this video describes my more ways than one.