Thursday, December 11, 2008

santa claws

so every year me and my girlfriends do that names and shit..but last year we had to pick out the names about 20 times cuz ppl kept getting their own name and it just seemed to take the whole day to finally get it right, plus it was just impossible to get everyone together with everyone's hectic schedules. thankfully this year my friend meryl, found this website where we can register everyone's name..and pick your kris kringle via don't even have to meet up anymore. dope huh? here's the website:

anyways for more important news, here's my kris kringle wishlist this year, as requested..

funniest show ever i really want these.
this too

if u can't find those =(..this is coo too =)

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

subscription to NYLON
or find me a new lover:
or an accommodator
hahahahaha im kiddingggggg

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah right your kidding about the accomadator haha. also i never knew you would be interested in that movie: she's having a baby. sometimes you surprise me.