Friday, October 10, 2008


in response to your latest blog. blog, don't u love that word. hahaha inside joke. joke lang. aniwais..i was just gunna leave a comment but it was so long i decided to just post it. about your sleeping problem, someone once told me: take a sleeping pill (i.e.,Ambien or Lunesta) and masturbate. either you fall asleep first(which was your goal) or you finish. hahaha it's a win win situation. haven't tried it YET. luckily for me, i never or rarely have a provlem slippin. except those rollinstoned nights..ya feeeeEeeeeel.
remember this?

and about ma and pa..awww they so sweet still. kinda gross huh? hahaha kinda reminds me of that text msg we accidentally read on ma's phone from pa yeeeeeeeeeears ago. "i can't wait to fuck you later" oh what no it was in CAPS "I CAN'T WAIT TO FUCK YOU LATER". til this day! til this mothafuckin DAY, it still sends shivers down my spine. hahahahaha i knew you'd appreciate that. i know this will haunt u for a while. sorry..but u reminded me first.

anyways u work a lot. and i miss u.

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