Wednesday, October 22, 2008


i obviously won the bib making contest @ the baby shower. hands down.

she took the flash, but we took the cake.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

yeaaa yeaaah

yeah but distractions, like boys/booze, are so funnnnn. hahahaha. well we'll see.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

want some?

get thummmm

mmmm my roomie just made sinigang, a filipino sour soup, im soooo full. im sooo content right now. im killing time til me and some friends meet up for a tennis match. i love tennis..i haven't played in years, never really had time, to play, with work and skl in the way..but now, NOW it's ON boooooooooy. can't wait til i start kickin ass on the courts again. im rusty, and i have a bad leg, but ima train and shit. hahaha, i sound so serious no? haha well i am. life is mmmm mmmm good.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

lazzzzzy boy saturday

i miss the face.

i miss getting pedicures.

i miss this too.

liquor, my proximity infatuation. that really needs to change.

p.s. friend of mine: you need to kick IT on the you-know-whats, i can't have normal conversations with you anymore. seriously, it makes me sad. plus i think your girlfriend might be worried about you as well. that's all, no after skl special here.

aww shit almost forgot.
happy barfday MI cousin!!
i found that picture on your page. and it never left my mind. hahaha. see u laters.

Friday, October 10, 2008


in response to your latest blog. blog, don't u love that word. hahaha inside joke. joke lang. aniwais..i was just gunna leave a comment but it was so long i decided to just post it. about your sleeping problem, someone once told me: take a sleeping pill (i.e.,Ambien or Lunesta) and masturbate. either you fall asleep first(which was your goal) or you finish. hahaha it's a win win situation. haven't tried it YET. luckily for me, i never or rarely have a provlem slippin. except those rollinstoned nights..ya feeeeEeeeeel.
remember this?

and about ma and pa..awww they so sweet still. kinda gross huh? hahaha kinda reminds me of that text msg we accidentally read on ma's phone from pa yeeeeeeeeeears ago. "i can't wait to fuck you later" oh what no it was in CAPS "I CAN'T WAIT TO FUCK YOU LATER". til this day! til this mothafuckin DAY, it still sends shivers down my spine. hahahahaha i knew you'd appreciate that. i know this will haunt u for a while. sorry..but u reminded me first.

anyways u work a lot. and i miss u.

Monday, October 6, 2008


can get you this..
cat 1 Über-bike
that shit is hot and ridiculously priced.

here's more useless cool shit
LED watch table a.k.a. a fucking COFFEE TABLE

hahaha they have this shit in a GOLD they should
this could run you upwards from 50Gs

cool toys that only david aames could afford
art engineering

im sticking to Ikea, hahaha. the sweeeeeeeeeeds are good to me.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

this is no beauty school dropout.

wednesday: with my curlfriends @ bjs


thursday: dinner party @ ds
how high? this high. hahahaha my face.


plus joon's toast

friday: @ opera
these girls were not at the club, but we stopped to take pictures with them. hahaha.


saturday: davids bday @the griffin & azn party @someones mansion
