Monday, September 29, 2008

about a girl

ever done survey about yourself? Guilty

-time - 1:07 AM

-height - 64"

-location - Bbank

-hair color-it's highlighted, experimentation at skl.

-eye color - BLAX

-sexual preference - dicks

-what do you think of cheerleading - not much

-what brand of deodorant do you use - shhhh it’s a SECRET..but no really.. it’s DOVE

-of the people you’ve kissed, who was the worst kisser - this virgin

-you like pickles - no

-do you watch porn - sometimes

-ever kissed a girl- yes

-ever kissed a boy- yes

-do you have your own phone line -my cell

-your thoughts abortion - pro choice

-what do you want to do with your life - i want to move far and set up shop. and come back to visit.

-ever been butt naked bangin’ on the bathroom floor - yeah

-would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what - maybe when im old. but i still like my face and tits..for now.

-do you workout -yes, it's a lifestyle

-do you think foreign accents are sexy - could be

-do you like hot dogs - just the ones that the mexiCANS sell in downtown

-last time you went to the doctor - cant remember..i dont have insurance from my parents im being careful about my health.

-ever taken ballet - haha hell yeah. when i was like 11 or 12 i was the biggest kid in class. everyone else was like 5 or 6 hahahaha no but really it was pretty pathetic..but i had a blast.hahaha

-last time you used the restroom - 5 min ago..i always gotta pee

-most attractive person celebrity -right now? james franco oh yeaaa

-piercings = i grew up

-tattoos = five

-shoe size = 8.5

-favorite color = gray or grey

-describe yourself in four words = impatient loving cute abused

-siblings = joons

-underwear = yes always

-coffee cup = i used to hate coffee..then worked at coffee bean..and started to tolerate it..

-song you listened to last =dre- pause for porno (instrumental)

-person you called last =kristine?

-person that has called you =my sister?

-person you emailed =i dont know my mom

-person who emailed you = the facebook

-last person you kissed = no one

-you have a crush on someone? nah

-you wish you could live somewhere else = fuck yeah but i love la.

-you think about suicide = thought about it, but not like that

-others find you attractive = maybe on a good hairday

-you do drugs = i abuse substance from time to time

-you smoke = im gunna quit, for the baby.

-you like roller skating= yes!

-you write in cursive or print = print

for or against....

-long distance relationships? no

-using someone= no never. unless they get off on it. hahaha.juskidding.

-used by someone= im ok with it sometimes. "if you're not being used, you're useless"--kanye west

-killing people = peace in the mid east

-premarital sex = for

do you....

-like the taste of blood = yeah i really do

-believe in love = i believe in god

-believe in soul mates = no silly

-believe in love at first sight =lust maybe

-ever cried over a girl/boy = yes sir, everyone should.

-ever lied to someone= everyone fucking lies

-ever been arrested = never ever; when i used to shoplift..and got caught i thought i was gunna get arrested, but then i didn't. they should've arrested me tho, maybe i would've grown out of that shoplifting phase a lot quicker.


-are you scared of = i aint nevah scared


-of times I have had my heart broken? = once. "I let you break me off but I won't let you break my heart."

-of drugs taken illegally? = oh no comment

-of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = enough

-What’s the best gift you’ve ever received= cant really say what’s the best gift. anything thoughtful would be nice. like a car would be thoughtful. haha. or a puppy.

-What’s the best concert you’ve ever attended?= hands down..e badu (5/25/07) *we’re not worthy we’re not worthy**bowing down like wayne and garth.

-If you had to give up either music or sex for the rest of your life, which would you pick= geez i can’t answer that

-What’s your favorite bad-for-you food?= bacon cheddar potato wedges from jacks

-What group would you be a permanent groupie for, no questions asked?= the Pharcyde, you faja fuck. oh yeah and we’re not groupies we’re BAND AIDS

-If you could lose (or get back to re-lose) your virginity to any person living or dead, who would it be?= i wouldnt change a was awkward just like it’s supposed to be.

-Are you a dog person or a cat person?= dogs bitches!!

-What’s your favorite US city?= this is a stupid question

-Have you ever made out with more than one person in the same 24 hour period? yes

-Favorite curse word?: fuck

-Have you ever had a romantic/sexual encounter with a rock star? = no, but i was at a stoplight with jimmy fallon.. i talked to him for a little. told him he was cute. haha that was a pathetic encounter wasnt it..i shouldnt have mentioned it. whatever. i gotta drop a name, fuck it.

-What’s the craziest/stupidest thing you’ve ever done while drunk?= i don’t do crazy SLASH stupid things when im drunk. i get bruises.

-What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately?= couples, hahaha. okay for real though, drunk driving.


Said "I love you" and meant it?= yes

Been to New York?= once

Been to Florida?= i wanna go

California? = uh huh

Hawaii? = who do i have to blow around here to get to hawaii??

Mexico? = well new mexico..but i got a free trip to ill be there soon.

Canada?= no, but want to some pancakes with maple syrup and toke..not in that order

Europe?= can't afford it

Danced nekkid? = yesssssss


Apples or bananas?= apples..u gotta cut it for me tho. i cant just eat it like an animal.

black or white?=’s slimming..haha no it’s just a better color

Sing or Dance?= dance

Moan or Dirt talk?= both baby

Mexican or Chinese food?= mexicannnnn

WalMart or Target? = target, it’s cleaner.but wal-mart is open 24/7 and i like goin there at 3am when i get depressed.

Math or English?= english was fun. math was easier.

High school or college? = high school

do you want kids?= i think so. but only with perfect baby daddy.

what do you want to do when you grow up?= a hairstylist. i'm really doing what i want to do, and yes it's scary. plus i couldn't sell my soul.

what are you looking forward to?= my graduation this week!! no more 25hrs/wk that i DON'T get paid for. oh yay this means i have time now to look for a second job. hahahaha, filthy rich or dirt poor i love my life, it's mine and you can't have it!!

why did you do this?= "i couldn’t sleep. When you have insomnia, you’re never really asleep, and you’re never really awake." --if you dont know this movie you’re not my fuckin friend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey mama.. i gotta steal this questionarie and add it to my blog.. its totally awsome and gay all wrapped into one..
