Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this is a stick up..so gimme your numba

my boyfriend

im fucking kidding..he is ze gay.

[Voyeurism is a hobby]

our seats @ the wiltern

[more shitty pics]

Monday, September 29, 2008

about a girl

ever done survey about yourself? Guilty

-time - 1:07 AM

-height - 64"

-location - Bbank

-hair color-it's highlighted, experimentation at skl.

-eye color - BLAX

-sexual preference - dicks

-what do you think of cheerleading - not much

-what brand of deodorant do you use - shhhh it’s a SECRET..but no really.. it’s DOVE

-of the people you’ve kissed, who was the worst kisser - this virgin

-you like pickles - no

-do you watch porn - sometimes

-ever kissed a girl- yes

-ever kissed a boy- yes

-do you have your own phone line -my cell

-your thoughts abortion - pro choice

-what do you want to do with your life - i want to move far and set up shop. and come back to visit.

-ever been butt naked bangin’ on the bathroom floor - yeah

-would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what - maybe when im old. but i still like my face and tits..for now.

-do you workout -yes, it's a lifestyle

-do you think foreign accents are sexy - could be

-do you like hot dogs - just the ones that the mexiCANS sell in downtown

-last time you went to the doctor - cant remember..i dont have insurance from my parents anymore..so im being careful about my health.

-ever taken ballet - haha hell yeah. when i was like 11 or 12 i was the biggest kid in class. everyone else was like 5 or 6 hahahaha no but really it was pretty pathetic..but i had a blast.hahaha

-last time you used the restroom - 5 min ago..i always gotta pee

-most attractive person celebrity -right now? james franco oh yeaaa

-piercings = i grew up

-tattoos = five

-shoe size = 8.5

-favorite color = gray or grey

-describe yourself in four words = impatient loving cute abused

-siblings = joons

-underwear = yes always

-coffee cup = i used to hate coffee..then worked at coffee bean..and started to tolerate it..

-song you listened to last =dre- pause for porno (instrumental)

-person you called last =kristine?

-person that has called you =my sister?

-person you emailed =i dont know my mom

-person who emailed you = the facebook

-last person you kissed = no one

-you have a crush on someone? nah

-you wish you could live somewhere else = fuck yeah but i love la.

-you think about suicide = thought about it, but not like that

-others find you attractive = maybe on a good hairday

-you do drugs = i abuse substance from time to time

-you smoke = im gunna quit, for the baby.

-you like roller skating= yes!

-you write in cursive or print = print

for or against....

-long distance relationships? no

-using someone= no never. unless they get off on it. hahaha.juskidding.

-used by someone= im ok with it sometimes. "if you're not being used, you're useless"--kanye west

-killing people = peace in the mid east

-premarital sex = for

do you....

-like the taste of blood = yeah i really do

-believe in love = i believe in god

-believe in soul mates = no silly

-believe in love at first sight =lust maybe

-ever cried over a girl/boy = yes sir, everyone should.

-ever lied to someone= everyone fucking lies

-ever been arrested = never ever; when i used to shoplift..and got caught i thought i was gunna get arrested, but then i didn't. they should've arrested me tho, maybe i would've grown out of that shoplifting phase a lot quicker.


-are you scared of = i aint nevah scared


-of times I have had my heart broken? = once. "I let you break me off but I won't let you break my heart."

-of drugs taken illegally? = oh no comment

-of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = enough

-What’s the best gift you’ve ever received= cant really say what’s the best gift. anything thoughtful would be nice. like a car would be thoughtful. haha. or a puppy.

-What’s the best concert you’ve ever attended?= hands down..e badu (5/25/07) *we’re not worthy we’re not worthy**bowing down like wayne and garth.

-If you had to give up either music or sex for the rest of your life, which would you pick= geez i can’t answer that

-What’s your favorite bad-for-you food?= bacon cheddar potato wedges from jacks

-What group would you be a permanent groupie for, no questions asked?= the Pharcyde, you faja fuck. oh yeah and we’re not groupies we’re BAND AIDS

-If you could lose (or get back to re-lose) your virginity to any person living or dead, who would it be?= i wouldnt change a thing..it was awkward just like it’s supposed to be.

-Are you a dog person or a cat person?= dogs bitches!!

-What’s your favorite US city?= this is a stupid question

-Have you ever made out with more than one person in the same 24 hour period? yes

-Favorite curse word?: fuck

-Have you ever had a romantic/sexual encounter with a rock star? = no, but i was at a stoplight with jimmy fallon.. i talked to him for a little. told him he was cute. haha that was a pathetic encounter wasnt it..i shouldnt have mentioned it. whatever. i gotta drop a name, fuck it.

-What’s the craziest/stupidest thing you’ve ever done while drunk?= i don’t do crazy SLASH stupid things when im drunk. i get bruises.

-What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately?= couples, hahaha. okay for real though, drunk driving.


Said "I love you" and meant it?= yes

Been to New York?= once

Been to Florida?= i wanna go

California? = uh huh

Hawaii? = who do i have to blow around here to get to hawaii??

Mexico? = well new mexico..but i got a free trip to Cabo..so ill be there soon.

Canada?= no, but want to aye..eat some pancakes with maple syrup and toke..not in that order

Europe?= can't afford it

Danced nekkid? = yesssssss


Apples or bananas?= apples..u gotta cut it for me tho. i cant just eat it like an animal.

black or white?= black..it’s slimming..haha no it’s just a better color

Sing or Dance?= dance

Moan or Dirt talk?= both baby

Mexican or Chinese food?= mexicannnnn

WalMart or Target? = target, it’s cleaner.but wal-mart is open 24/7 and i like goin there at 3am when i get depressed.

Math or English?= english was fun. math was easier.

High school or college? = high school

do you want kids?= i think so. but only with perfect baby daddy.

what do you want to do when you grow up?= a hairstylist. i'm really doing what i want to do, and yes it's scary. plus i couldn't sell my soul.

what are you looking forward to?= my graduation this week!! no more 25hrs/wk that i DON'T get paid for. oh yay this means i have time now to look for a second job. hahahaha, filthy rich or dirt poor i love my life, it's mine and you can't have it!!

why did you do this?= "i couldn’t sleep. When you have insomnia, you’re never really asleep, and you’re never really awake." --if you dont know this movie you’re not my fuckin friend

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

god loves ugly

fat bitch: am i the jezebel?
slug: you're the jezeBELLY.
fuck yeaaaaaaaaaaah. aaaaaahahahaha

it's okay, i'd be jealous too.

here, have an eargasm, on me:

nights full of Alizé

i haven't been this loaded, since well.. last weekend.
always the last two people dancing..hahaha & the FIRST!!

hahahaha wtf. i never know what i end up drinking at the end of the night..malt bev?

happy bday stef, looks like ya had a blast baby!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

irrelevant shit

i remember, like light years ago..i was reading music reviews on the new releases..and found these two lil wayne reviews to be really thorough. hahaha. well it's a good thing i save all kinds of irrelevant shit on my photobucket, it gives you and i something to look back at while we waste our time. but anyways damn, the lil boy from HOT BOYS blew up this year dinnnnt he?
don't judge me, i like love this song right now:

p.s. i found out who sent me the flowers..and with that being said, thank you.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


so yesterday as i was driving to work, my tire started shredding..i had to pull over and get it fixed. i went to Firestone, and turns out all my tires are balding. i ended up spending an arm, a leg and my soul that day..

later i went to skl..my teachers said there was something for me in the front desk..it was some flowers. sweet right? yeah, no. hahaha pretty creepy actually. i don't know who they're from, and there was a note that didn't reveal much either. boy or girl? idk..but i did smile.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

nigga on the side

i have this dvd..lent it out..and never got it back. i miss it. fuck the beginning part of this video..FFW to 3:24

Friday, September 12, 2008

the mothaFUCKINland

im speechless.
(haha look at the comment after part 1. that guy is so mad.)

part 1:


part 2:


ummm you welcome? despite what you just saw, i can't wait to go back!! this year maybeeeeeeeeee.

p.s. hahaha that one fool's comment "don't eat dog, eat pussy"

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


so i heard luda's gunna retire the music biz to act. hahaha.. really?? i dunno maaaaaan.. ima miss all his pussy poppin songs. he should just stick with what he knows best. and anyways black people never really retire..look at jayz and too $hort. ahh whatever. swan song..

p.s. black women are fine, especially lenny's women.

Monday, September 8, 2008


i lost my voice. and my phone broke. fuck.

and i was supposed to go to kandy kruise this comin weekend, cuz a friend got a hookup for free..but my work and skl schedule wont allow. this sucks. oh whatever..it's still 4 days from now, a lot of things can change in 4 days, but i doubt it... kandykruise.com

anyways i didn't feel good, so called in sick. and watched cable all day. BEERFEST was on, love that movie. this is one of my favorite scenes.

did u guys see WEEDS tonight?!? OMG


happy barfday..

[more pics]

Wednesday, September 3, 2008



she left for texas. this was her goin away dinner. these are my girls from cosmo. im in love with all of them.
oh btw cassandra is the one with the short blonde hair. we'll miss u mami!!

[more pics @ BJs]