julienne is my baby sister. i call her joons, and so do all my friends. hahaha. she secretly loves that name, but hates it when i call her that in front of her little friends..you know to be cool and shit. anyways, she's finally 21..hahaha although it seems like she's been 21 for the past 3 years. thanks to me and her stolen fake-yet-real-ID. we celebrated her 21st @ LAX. which was an EGGZELLENT[that's how my mom says excellent, cuz she fobs out sometimes] choice because it was the last night for banana split sundays. as usual, the music was dopest dope, so good it was almost EDC again. hahaha okay i lied, not EDC good, but close reeeeeal close. as you can see she had a blast, you know she's having fun when her hands are flailing all over the place(as seen in pictures) hahahaha. and now off to vegas for the weekend...
1 comment:
cute outfit!
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