Monday, February 23, 2009

from facebook

don't really feel like blog-blogging today..but decided to share my 10 to 1 from facebook. because well..i can. haha.

Monday, February 16, 2009 at 2:44am
A different spin from the "25 Random Things" note. Yet, ANOTHER note for you to get to know your friends better, and vice versa. Fill in your answers, and tag as many people as you want.. or not.

Ten Things About you right now
1. i played guesstures with my friends today.
2. most of the polish on my fingernails are chipped..that shit ain't crackin.
3. i'm single.
4. i'm watching Blow for the 50th time probably.
5. Valentine's Day was the shiiiiiiiiit this year.
6. my feet are freezing.
7. i probably won't sleep til 5am.
8. i feel kinda lonely right now.
9. i should finish folding my laundry.
10. i just changed my sheets.

Nine Things I Wish I Could Say To Nine Different People.
(Please don't ask me who I'm talking about, cos I refuse to spill. But some of em might be a tad obvious if it's directed to you.)
1. pleazzzze just shut the fuck up.
2. your breath smells.
3. i miss the old 'us'.
4. you're slutty when you're drunk.
5. you make me feel like a kid again =)
6. i wish you could shake that habit.
7. you're funner when i'm drunk.
8. can i do your hair?
9. you're such a hater.

Eight Ways To Win My Heart.
1. just be down..for whatever
2. be charming
3. smell nice
4. have some jokes
5. dance, sing and toke with me
6. have SOME manners
7. don't flake
8. have a PhD(pretty huge dick) kidding.

Seven Questions That Cross My Mind.
1. what's your problem?
2. did i take my pills today?
3. should i wax or shave my poozy to save some $ ?
4. and what?
5. when's my next oil change?
6. are you serious?
7. why am i such an asshole sometimes?

Six Things I Do Before I Go To Bed.
1. shower,floss, brush, listerine
2. take my pills
3. put on my socks
4. check my phone
5. lower the volume on sleep
6. get into fetal position

Five People Who Mean A Lot To Me.
1. my family
2. my friends
3. keanu
4. coco
5. lukas

Four Things I Am Wearing Right Now.
1. looong socks
2. a warm robe
3. granny panties..hahaha it was laundry day
4. v neck

Three Songs I Listen To A Lot, Lately.
1. lykke li- my love
2. lykke li- breaking it up
3. kelis - millionaire (ft. andre 3000)

Two Things I Want To Do Before I Die.
1. live in london.
2. date a black guy..haha joking. but seriously, be a mom, even a single mom before i'm forty.

One Confession.
1. i have a crush on a persian guy.

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