i've given up.
day 1.why did i decide to quit..there's so many cons..but they're all so cliché(i.e. cancer, yellow teef, saggy tits, wrinkles, the smell etc..blah blah blah)...so instead ill talk about the pros:-it makes u feel unfat after a FAT meal.
-oh and of course..great after sexytime.
-you get to ditch ppl at clubs to smoke with the cool ppl at clubs outside in the smoking patio.
-it induces your shit.
-it's nice getting your cig lit by someone handsome.
-it goes so well with drugs.
-it makes bad traffic not
that bad.
-cause it pisses your boyfriend/girlfriend off.
-classic opening line "do u have a cigarette i can bum?"..but is 2nd to "so u from 'round here?"
-it's less fattening than a bag of chips.
-it goes hand and hand with alcohol.
-it's also major bonding time with the amigs.
yeah i'll miss it..but it's not gone completely..i always live my life in moderation. when i need it i'll smoke it. but that's what bud is for..so hopefully i won't need cigs for a really long time.. bud not the beer cuz the bud makes me wiser