i saw it..action scenes were siiiiiiiiick. anj looks so fuckable. the voiceover was a little corny, and somewhat reminiscent of fight club. and i dont know who said it..but it is not bettter than The Matrix. it was good tho..
(Voiceover) "Rome is burning", he said as he poured himself another drink, "yet here I am knee deep in a river of pussy." "Here it comes", she said to herself, another self-centered whiskey soaked guy talking about how fucking great everything was in the past and about how all us poor souls born too late to see the Rolling Stones at where ever or snort the good coke they had at Studio 54. How we all just missed out on practically everything worth living for, and the worst part was, she agreed with him. "Here we are", she thought, at the edge of the world, and all of us are so desperate to feel something, anything that we keep falling into each other and fucking our way towards the end of days
no joke this is a real music video. hahaha. she wakes up in her tanning bed and starts singing about love and peace. how u gunna hate on that?!! haha. love the hair tho. i plan on going back to japan and learn some tricks, they got some crazy bleach that i cant wait to get my hands on. ima wanna assist some crazy gay jap stylist someday soon. and take his teachings back with me.
so i have somethin like 7 or 8 blog postings in one day, which is today..thats cuzzzzz i just transfered it from that otha place, mispace. it's easier here anyways..plus ive always wanted to learn how to do this blog business. it's perfect since ill def have more time on my hands now that im practicing celibacy and shit.
i'd break my vow for him but maybe if he wasn't like 70 years old. hahaha.